Fogehund is pleased to announce that Rocket is expecting in early June!
She has been paired with Ozzy, an accomplished champion from Abbe Lane Kennel.
You can read all about our girl Rocket on her page, where we’ve shared photos, details about her accomplishments and a link to her complete pedigree.
Ozzy is a remarkable GSP.
He is a Started Hunting Retriever (SHR), a United Weight Puller (UWP) and a Grand Champion (GRCH) from Abbe Lane Kennel, where Rob and Judy Moerman have been working with German Shorthaired Pointers since the early 1970s.
Ozzy has it all. He’s athletic with a wonderful temperament, a strong nose and great style. Here’s what Abbe Lane says:
In the field he’s a medium range dog with intense points and the endurance to go all day. Ozzy earned a coveted Prize I in NAVHDA Natural Ability, passed the UKC TAN (natural ability test) and played the retriever game to earn a Started Hunting Retriever title in UKC Hunting Retriever Club. He’s not done yet, either–we’ve got our eyes on NAVHDA Utility next.
He’s a black roan patched and ticked GSP, a UKC conformation Champion with two Best in Shows UKC, a Reserve Best in Show and two Total Dog awards to his name. He’s talented, good looking and a wonderful family member. OFA hips excellent and DNA profiled.
Rocket’s litter is fully reserved, but we are taking names for the waiting list. If you’re interested in joining the list, please take a look at our Buying a Puppy page and then get in touch with us through our contact page.
We’ll be sure to post pictures and videos when the puppies arrive!